Member of the ZA Banner Exchange

learn English and have fun!
walace and grommit

This is an exciting opportunity for non-English speaking children of all races between the ages of 6 yrs and 12 yrs. We offer a holiday on a small farm with wonderful activities such as pony riding, swimming, nature walks, art and much more. All instruction will be given in English to help your child learn the basics in conversational English. Only 10 children at a time will be accepted. A cost of R500 is fully inclusive for 5 days. For more information contact us at:

buttererflyMrs. Janet Zollner

Tel: (h) (051) 861 2062
       (w) (051) 447 1524
Fax: (o/hrs) (051) 4477651
Cell: 082 787 5135

mail us!

P.O. Box 3181
South Africa

Leers Engels op n makkliker manier praat

Vakansie vir  Afrikaans sprekende kinders tussen die ouderdom van 6jr en 12 jr op Engelse plasie naby Bloemfontein. Aktiewieteite soos swem, perdry, kuuns en veel meer word aangebied met die doel om U kind die vrymoedigheid te gee om Engels te gesels. Net 10 kinders  word op n slag aanvaar en die eerste kursus begin vroeg in Januarie 1999. Die koste van R500 sluit alles in vir 5 dae. Vir verdere besonderhede, skakel:

keriopiMev. Janet Zollner

Tel: (t) (051) 861 2062
       (w) (051) 447 1524
Fax: (k/ure) (051) 4477651
                            Sel: 082 787 5135

mail us!

P.O. Box 3181
South Africa

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