Child Protection Services were rendered in the following areas: Bloemfontein City and plots Heideldal, Bochabela, Isithalandwe, Albert Lethuli, Codesa 1 & 2, JB Mafura, Kaghiso, Peter Mokaba, Sejake and Thabo Mbeki. An average of 546 families with 1200 childrem were attended to monthly.

According to the guidelines of the Department of Social Welfare the above-mentioned services are divided into four levels:

  • Prevention

  • Early Intervention

  • Statutory Process

  • Continuum of Care



    young people and their families receive services and/or have access to resources which maximise existing strengths and develop new capacities that will promote resilence and increase their ability to benefit from developmental opportunities:

  • Information Seminar to 5413 high school pupils
  • Information Seminar to 2750 high school pupils about sexual abuse
  • Adopt-a-family project
  • Seminar for 25 mothers
  • Holiday Projects (Holiday is fin)
  • Seminar for parents and professionals concerning learning difficulties
  • Information Sessions - developmental stages
  • Seminar on parental guidance
  • Woman's Breakfast
  • Seminar - Rights of the biological father - custody during seperation
  • St Michael's Relief Fund
  • Developmental and life skills projects to 40 women
  • Parental Guidance
  • Life Skills
  • Job Creation
  • Pre-School Educational and Caring Program
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    Information Seminar to 5413 high school pupils

    Theme: Be cautious, be safe. The purpose of the project was the prevention of child abuse. The Society for Child and Family Welfare did the project in co-operation with Auksano, Aurora, OVV and GKS.

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    Information Seminar to 2750 high school pupils about sexual abuse

    The issue of AIDS was touched. Co-presenters were: Dept of Social Welfare, KMD and OVV.

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    Adopt-a-family project

    Individual donors supported 18 families with material and financial assistance

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    Seminar for 25 mothers

    Theme: My child and I - Quality Time

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    Holiday Projects (Holiday is fun)

    472 children took part - for example visits to the Bloem Show and circus, a Christmas party and a fund day at the swimming pool

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    Seminar for parents and professionals concerning learning difficulties

    40 persons attended the seminar

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    Information sessions - developmental stages

    12 domestic workers were involved

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    Seminar on parental guidance

    Presented to 100 Parents

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    Women's Breakfast

    Presented to 62 women. Information about Child and Family Welfare and child neglect and abuse was given.

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    Seminar - Rights of the biological father - custody during seperation

    Topics: Maintenance and the Act on Family Violence. Attended by 18 persons

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    St Michael's Relief Fund

    Financial support to 7 day care facilities

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    Developmental and life skills projects to 40 women

    Women-Reach-Out and a literate course

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    Parental Guidance

    40 parents of the following informal areas: Albert Lethuli, Sejake, Extention 5 and Lapologa.

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    Life Skills

    Presented to 40 children between 5-18 years

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    Job Creation

    Vuka, 4 women are involved

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    Pre-School Educational and Caring Program

    Paliso, Albert Lethuli, Biker Mice, Mabana, St Mary's, Mathabo, Sechaba Khaeile and Rebolekehile DAy Care Centres.

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    Assist young people at risk of placement - away-from-home to remain within the family and/or community context.


  • Intake Service
  • A prevention service with regard to physical, emotional abuse as well as sexual abuse to children
  • A prevention service with regard to neglect
  • Children with challenging behaviour
  • Material Need
  • Volkome Women's Group
  • Ramatheola
  • Spoil-a-child project
  • St Michael's Relief Fund
  • Group work to 5 parents
  • Group work to 5 parents with children with challenging behaviours
  • Group work to 8 girls with challenging behaviours

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    Intake Service

    An average of 55 intakes were attended to monthly. 24 of these intakes were as a result of the 24-hour crisis service.

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    A Prevention Service with regard to physical, emotional abuse as well as sexual abuse to children

    From a total of 78 children 7 children were removed from parental care as a result of sexual abuse and 3 children because of physical abuse

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    A Prevention Service with regard to child neglect

  • 192 persons were involved
  • 6 children were removed, but could be restored in parental care
  • 11 children were removed and put in foster care

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  • Children with challenging behaviour

    59 children were involved and 4 had to be removed from parental care

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    Material Need

    75 families could be helped by means of food parcels, clothes and in exceptional cases financial support

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    Volkome Women's Group

    28 women attended this group once a week. An amount of R14000 was received from the Poverty Alleviation Fund of the Department of Social Welfare. The group produce handmade articles with the purpose to generate an income.

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    182 clients received through social work referral clothes. The services of our two volunteers, Mrs M van Ee and Miss S Marias are sincerely appreciated.

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    23 children identified by the social workers were spoilt by volunteers on a regular basis

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    St Michael's Relief fund

    Through the financial contribution of the fund, assistance could be given to needy families on a monthly basis

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    Group work to 5 parents

    Theme: Be clever as a parent (child neglect)

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    Group work to 5 parents with children with challenging behaviour

    Theme: In despair with my child

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    Group work to 8 girls with challenging behaviour

    Theme: Who is my friend - Who is my enemy.

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    Young people receive effective developmental assessment and referral services, which lead to an appropriate placement, and / or programme based on the principles of the least restrictive and most appropriateoption for the child. It will include court proceedings, which will respect the dignity and rights of the young chidren.

  • Foster parent screening group
  • Family Parent Enrichment Society
  • Adoption
  • Adoption: Information Group
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    Foster parent screening group

    36 persons

    Back to statutory process
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    Family Parent Enrichment Society

    17 couples attend regularly once per term

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  • Non-disclosure: 3
  • Disclosure: 96
  • Tracing of origins: 4

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  • Adoption: Information Group

    8 couples

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    To place children in a continuum of care (foster care / institutional care) for the shortest period poossible appropriate to their needs to guarantee their physical, psychological, social and emotional needs.

  • Foster Care Supervision Services
  • Life Skills Group
  • Family Re-unification Services
  • Family Re-unification
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    Foster Care Supervision Services

    to 286 children and foster parents

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    Life Skills Group

    of 10 foster children in Heidedal

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    Family Re-unification Services

    rendered to 180 children of which 26 were restored in parental care. 14 children were discharged as a result of age

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    Family Re-unification

    8 couples joined groups with the issues: Parental guidance, alcohol misuse and marriage enrichment.

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    Childprotection services ] Community Service ] Student Training ] Training ] Ramatheola ]