Two forth year students, Lucinda Strauss and Lorraine Steenbok, of the Department of Social Work, UOFS, received their practical training at this Society from February until October 1999. They had the opportunity of integrating their theoretical knowledge with the four levels of service rendering. A full training course about Developmental Assessment wer attended by the students. Six third year students received their practical training at this Society from June until October 1999.

The following projects materialised:

  • A screeing group of prospective safety and foster parents - four couples attended.
  • A foster children's group for 9 foster children.
  • Their research focused on the following actual subject: "Gesinsgeweld vanuit 'n gesinsistemiese perspektief".
  • A situation analyses and problem identfication ofthe informal area JB Mafora was done.
  • A play was performed on the prevention of child abuse.

  • Childprotection services ] Community Service ] Student Training ] Training ] Ramatheola ]